Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Magic Circle part 1

The magic circle is one of  those tools that is essential to finishing the job. This job happens to be the working of magic/k. Like many tools of the magician it was a essential tool for the medieval and renaissance wizards of the past, and still is. The Wizards of the past used them because they had many purposes just not for protection.

I will write down the purposes in a 1, 2 ,3 type format for better understanding.


1. Its focus and its basic use was for protection either from malevolent or benevolent magic or spirits. While most knows it as the means for protection from spirits during conjuration it can also be used to for protection from psychic, magical attacks, such as curses etc.

2. When stepping into the circle you are not you any more you are G-d, magically speaking. That means that when the holy spirit enters the body you are G-d, And they see the holy spirit not you as the person but you as G-d. There is a old saying in Christian healing circles " It is not me it is Jesus who does the healing, exorcism etc" This hold true for when you conjure it is not in your name but in G-ds name.

3.The magic/k circle is a sacred geometrical map of the universe. When you step into the circle you are stepping into the center of the known universe.

4. It can be used to open gateways to the otherworld. Some  magic/k circles are actually gates for opening places within the astral plain.

5. When the blessing and exorcism are all done you just created a sacred space. The Temple of G-d at the center of the universe.

6. It is also and this one is very important but not the most important. It allows the wizard to reach a state of bliss or spiritual union with G-d, by having a mandala effect on the wizard.

7. They can also be used to enhance ones own work. For example if you want to do some healing magic you can add power words that are associated to healing within the inner part of the circle.

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