A note of a Warning:
Now before I go on I do like to propose a warning. Thought forms can be dangerous if lift unchecked. Lets go to the Story of the Golem were Rabbi Judah Ben Bezalel who was the famous 16th century Rabbi in the Ghetto of Prague. He create a Golem to protect the Jewish Ghetto from Antisemitic attacks on his people. He created the Golem for the purpose to protect and help his people. At first everything went right but as time went on the Golem became harder and harder to control. He got to the point were he could not be controlled, and became violent and uncontrollable. So he finally had to deactivate his creation and he fell into peaces and was stored in the local synagogue attic.
So what we learn here is that we must deactivated the creation of these thought forms or they cause more harm then good. In this case Simon says that one has to make sacrifices to the spirits on certain times. This may keep the spirit at bay for a long while but like all good things. Eventually the spirit may get hard for you to control. But this is not to sound like some doom and gloom because some people had controlled thought forms for years, with no problems. There is even some lodges that has thought forms that they have controlled to protect communities and there lodges for years.
So now how did I do this ritual:
Will I keep the Incense burner/sacrifice bowl. Keep the black robe and cap.Time will be midnight But I went to the use of the Black hilted dagger for circle creation and the Sword of the art and the white hilted dagger, and of course the standard alter and alter incense made from 3 parts Cedar 2 parts Juniper 1 part Cypress 1 part Tamarisk.
I put two beeswax candles on each side of the incense burner/sacrificial bowl and made a circle within the dirt still with the double circle made from flour consecrated by traditional psalmic prays. Put the bowl in the northeast. Lite the candle then step in the Standard grimoric consecration for candles then lite then put the sacrificial material (New bread, Pine resin, grass Olieribos) in the bowl with hot coals then step in the circle Say the standard psalmic consecration and blessing for the circle.
Then Say:
Personally these are nonsense words that Simon cleverly stated that is Sumerian. Do not worry if you are afraid that you are not pronouncing them right. Just treat as Barbaras Words of Conjuration.
After you have gave the watcher your instructions you will then give it a license to depart and standard solomonic ending.
I will give another conjuration in part 7 and hopefully this will end the Conjuration of the watcher. LOL I know I will get flack with this change but I do not give a rats ass about what people think. This has work very will for me. I use this as a means to protect me from unknown spirits that I have work with when trying to find new spirits from other regens of space.
I will try to peace together the magick of Solomon, Alchemy, Science, and other works. I will some times post thing that may interest me such as lore, ufos, etc. Other wise this will be about my expariments in the grimoires, Science, alchemy and the High Magical Arts. This is no Golden Dawn Blog. This is devoted to traditional ceremonial magic as used buy the wizards of the renaissance and medieval period. Plus some modern science thrown into the loop.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Conjuration of the watcher part 5
Now you may say that there is some confusion but I work around it. Take the bronze bowl and put a some charcoal and lite it tell red hot coals. In the mean take the dagger of Innana make the magic circles, then make the double circles with consecrated flour.. Then before the conjuration perform the conjuration of the fire god. This is what is suppose to be a consecration of the fire in the bowl and prepares it for the sacrifice.
Spirit of the Fire, Remember!
GIBIL, Spirit of the Fire, Remember!
GIRRA, Spirit of the Flames, Remember!
O God of Fire, Mighty Son of ANU, Most terrifying among Thy Brothers, Rise!
O God of the Furnace, God of Destruction, Remember!
Rise Up, O God of Fire, GIBIL in Thy Majesty, and devour my enemies!
Rise up, O God of Fire, GIRRA in Thy Power, and burn the sorcerers who persecute me!
Rise up, Son of the Flaming Disk of ANU!
Rise up, Offspring of the Golden Weapon of MARDUK!
It is not I , but ENKI, Master of the Magicians, who summons Thee!
It is not I, but MARDUK, Slayer of the Serpent, who calls Thee here now!
Burn the Evil and the Evildoer!
Burn the Sorcerer and the Sorceress!
Singe them! Burn them! Destroy them!
Consume their powers!
Carry them away!
Spirit of the God of Fire, Thou art Conjured!
Now go into the magic circle and consecrate the magic circle by prays to Marduk, Enki and Innana. Then perform
Then with out stepping outside the circle but leaning the circle and take a small hand of the sacrificial plant then perform the right as outlined. There should be hot cools already lite and red hot. Then add the new bread, pine resin, grass oliberios.
Spirit of the Fire, Remember!
GIBIL, Spirit of the Fire, Remember!
GIRRA, Spirit of the Flames, Remember!
O God of Fire, Mighty Son of ANU, Most terrifying among Thy Brothers, Rise!
O God of the Furnace, God of Destruction, Remember!
Rise Up, O God of Fire, GIBIL in Thy Majesty, and devour my enemies!
Rise up, O God of Fire, GIRRA in Thy Power, and burn the sorcerers who persecute me!
Rise up, Son of the Flaming Disk of ANU!
Rise up, Offspring of the Golden Weapon of MARDUK!
It is not I , but ENKI, Master of the Magicians, who summons Thee!
It is not I, but MARDUK, Slayer of the Serpent, who calls Thee here now!
Burn the Evil and the Evildoer!
Burn the Sorcerer and the Sorceress!
Singe them! Burn them! Destroy them!
Consume their powers!
Carry them away!
Spirit of the God of Fire, Thou art Conjured!
Now go into the magic circle and consecrate the magic circle by prays to Marduk, Enki and Innana. Then perform
Then with out stepping outside the circle but leaning the circle and take a small hand of the sacrificial plant then perform the right as outlined. There should be hot cools already lite and red hot. Then add the new bread, pine resin, grass oliberios.
Conjuration of the Watcher part 4
The Normal Invocation:
This Invocation is to be made during the course of
any Ceremony when it is necessary to summon the Watcher to preside over
the outer precincts of the Circle or Gate. The Sword is to be thrust
into the ground as before, in the Northeast section, but the AGA MASS
WATCHER IN THE SPACE OF ONE MOON in which case it is necessary to
sacrifice to It anew whether in that Ceremony or at some other, earlier.
Raise the Copper Dagger of INANNA of the Calling, and declaim the Invocation in a clear voice, be it loud or soft:
I conjure Thee by the Fire of GIRRA
The Veils of Sunken Varloorni,
And by the Lights of SHAMMASH.
I call Thee here, before me, in visible shadow
In beholdable Form, to Watch and Protect this Sacred Circle, this Holy Gate of (N.)
May He of the Name Unspeakable, the Number Unknowable,
Whom no man hath seen at any time,
Whom no geometer measureth,
Whom no wizard hath ever called
Rise up, by ANU I summon Thee!
Rise up, by ENLIL I summon Thee!
Rise up, by ENKI I summon Thee!
Cease to be the Sleeper of EGURRA.
Cease to lie unwaking beneath the Mountains of KUR.
Rise up, from the pits of ancient holocausts!
Rise up, from the old Abyss of NARR MARRATU!
Come, by ANU!
Come, by ENLIL!
Come, by ENKI!
In the Name of the Covenant, Come and Rise up before me!
At this point, the Watcher will surely come and stand
outside the Gate or Circle until such time as he is given the license
to depart by striking of the Priest's left hand on the hilt of the
Sword, while pronouncing the formula BARRA MASS SSARATU! BARRA!
Thou mayest not depart thine sacred precincts until
the Watcher has been given this license, else he will devour thee. Such
are the laws.
And he care not what he Watches, only that he obey the Priest.
Conjuration of the Watcher part 3
Preliminary Invocation:
When the time has come to summon the Watcher the
first time, the place of thy calling must be clean, and a double circle
of flour drawn about thee. And there should be no altar, but only the
new Bowl with the three carven signs on it. And the Conjuration of the
Fire should be made, and the sacrifices heaped thereupon, into the
burning bowl. And the Bowl is now called AGA MASS SSARATU, and to be
used for no other purpose, save to invoke the Watcher.
And the bowl must be lain between the Circles, facing the Northeast.
And thy vestments should be black, and thy cap black.
And the Sword must be at hand, but not yet in the ground.
And it must be the Darkest Hour of the Night.
And there must be no light, save for the AGA MASS SSARATU.
And the Conjuration of the Three must be made, thus:
And this special Conjuration may be made at any time
the Priest feels he is in danger, whether his life or his spirit, and
the Three Watchers and the One Watcher will rush to his aid.
This being said, at the words IDS MASS SSARATU the Sword must be thrust into the ground behind the AGA MASS
SSARATU with force. And the Watcher will appear for the instructions to be made by the Priest.
And this special Conjuration may be made at any time
the Priest feels he is in danger, whether his life or his spirit, and
the Three Watchers and the One Watcher will rush to his aid.
This being said, at the words IDS MASS SSARATU the Sword must be thrust into the ground behind the AGA MASS
SSARATU with force. And the Watcher will appear for the instructions to be made by the Priest.
( I actually Like this part because besides a couple of things it works for me, It is very good as long as you have a magic circle )
Conjuration of the Watcher part 2
Here is Simons Ritual as presented in his version of the Necronomicon.
HIS is the Book of the Conjuration of the Watcher, for formulae as I received them from the Scribe of ENKI, Our Master and Lord of All Magick. Great care must be taken that this untamed Spirit does not rise up against the Priest, and for that reason a preliminary sacrifice must be made in a clean and new bowl with the appropriate sigils inscribed thereupon, being the three grey carven signs of the Rock of my initiation, which are:
HIS is the Book of the Conjuration of the Watcher, for formulae as I received them from the Scribe of ENKI, Our Master and Lord of All Magick. Great care must be taken that this untamed Spirit does not rise up against the Priest, and for that reason a preliminary sacrifice must be made in a clean and new bowl with the appropriate sigils inscribed thereupon, being the three grey carven signs of the Rock of my initiation, which are:
They must be engraved upon the bowl with a fine
stylus, or painted thereon with dark ink. The sacrifice must be new
bread, pine resin, and the grass Olieribos. These must be burned in the
new bowl, and the Sword of the Watcher, with his Sigil engraved
thereupon, at hand, for he will inhabit such at the time of the Calling
of the Watcher and will depart when he is given license to depart.
The Watcher comes from a Race different from that of
Men and yet different from that of the Gods, and it is said that he was
with KINGU and his hordes at the time of the War between the Worlds, but
was dissatisfied and did cleave unto the Armies of Lord MARDUK.
Wherefore it is wise to conjure It in the Names of
the Three Great Watchers Who existed before the Confrontation from whose
borne the Watcher and His Race ultimately derive, and those Three are
ANU, ENLIL, and Master ENKI of the Magick Waters. And for this reason
They are sometimes called the Three Watchers, MASS SSARATI and the
And the Watcher appears sometimes as a great and
fierce Dog, who prowls about the Gate or the Circle, frightening away
the idimmu who forever lurk about the barriers, waiting for sacrifice.
And the Watcher aloft the Sword of Flames, and even the Elder Gods are
awed thereby. And sometimes the Watcher appears as a Man in A long Robe,
shaven, with eyes that never lose their stare. And the Lord of the
Watchers dwells, it is said, among the Wastes of the IGIGI, and only
Watches and never raises the Sword or fights the idimmi, save when the
Covenant is invoked by none less than the Elder Gods in their Council,
like unto the Seven Glorious APHKHALLU.
And sometimes the Watcher appears as the Enemy, ready
to devour the Priest who has erred in the incantations, or omitted the
sacrifice, or acted in defiance of the Covenant, for which acts the very
Elder Gods cannot forbid that silent Race from exacting its toll. And
it is said that some of that Race lie waiting for the Ancient Ones to
once more rule the Cosmos, that they may be given the right hand of
honour, and that such as these are lawless. This is what is said.
Conjuration of the Watcher part 1
Back in my young days I got the Simon Necronomicon, I know lol. I bought it and actually enjoyed it. It was mysterious and it had that evil grimoire feel to it, that my young mind loved. Which that is what Simon wanted. But as I grew I new it was not that great and it just sat on my shelf for like forever and a day. Will about many years later I bought both Tyson Versions, Loved them. That is when I went to the old Simon version and wiped the dust off the book and read again. Will the ritual that caught my eye is a ritual to summon a spirit known as the watcher. I read what it is and what it suppose to do. I wrote down the rite and made the tools but never did the rite. I Put the book back on the shelf and never went back to it until I started to get serious about my work several years later, and when I switch to the Solomonic tradition from the Golden Dawn. Either way I read it again and thought that I did not like the calling to the Babylonian/Sumerian gods. Just could not get myself to do it. This was around the time I converted to Christianity and got baptized from a wonderful women in a more progressive church. Will I decided to make a new one that will fit my view.
First you have to understand that this ritual is only found in this book and not the others nor is it in any occult literature un less it talks about this ritual from Simon book or occult history. People have tried but it is just a creation of Simon to make a neat little book to sell. Next thing we have to understand since this is a creation out of the mind of the writer then the ritual summons is not a real spirit but a thought form, a egregore. What they are suppose to be, are spirit guardians but they can do some other things as presented. But being a guardian is what they are suppose to be doing for the wizard. There is suppose to be three of them who exist, the watchers are called MASS SSARATI, MASS SSARATU, and KIA MASS SSARATU. When they appear they will appear as a fierce dog who will prowl outside the magic circle or sometimes as a man in black robes cleaned shaven. But in truth they will appear any way you make them out to be. The other thing I found is that Simon wrote it as if they are one creature or if he stated that there is three of them but only describes one, or just did not care when he created the rite. I'm assuming and rightly so since they are just Thought forms then they are three different creatures created by the mage. Telling the truth you can summon them any way you like since they are thought forms but I will present them as Simon did for those who want the lovecraftian feel. I will also present a more solomonic one as I created by me and used by me to summon them in a classic solomonic way.
You may ask why I'm going from serious solomonic magic/k to the silliness of the Necronomicon. Because Simon is still a occultist and when you remove the crap from the book which was either on purpose or by default you will still get a usable working system. I do not use any rites from this book besides the watcher rite and a few of the so called incantations of protection.
On part to I will present to the user the original Simon version for those people who want a lovecraftian feel. Then I will present the ritual that I created to summon them.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Is religion magic/k ?
For many years I often thought about this, some time flights of fantsy or given it a serious thought. Then I often thought hay but did Jesus performed very powerful magical abilities, even Moses, and the rest of the prophets. How about the other adepts and saints who used and manifested magical powers. So I thought and made a bias opinion that magic is not religion but and I mean a BIG BUT. That magic is a spiritual energy that was suppose to be used for spiritual ends and aiding our fellow man. For example Jesus taught his disciples must use his techniques to heal and exorcise. Magical powers was used by the prophets and patriarchs of the bible but it was not religion it was the manifestation of there devotion to G-d. They used ceremonial magick in religious ceremonies. They new how to interpret dreams, use battle magic, heal, etc but it was not religion but part of there spiritual tool box.
This goes forward to the grimiores. I once read from a grimioric magician that the grimiores has nothing to do with spirituality and that we need to get rid of that spiritual nonsense. He is utter wrong because the grimoires are set up and written by very spiritual men. The men and woman who practice the magic/k from the grimoires were very Pious and spiritual people and that it was a manifestation of the religious and spiritual believes. It is religious magic at its purest. If one does a deep study of the grimoires you will find out that the ceremony to summon the spirits, no matter which type of spirit it is, it is always a religious ceremony. The prays, psalmody, confessions, names of G-d etc is the use of religious ceremony to summon the spirits. Everything that is used to summon the spirit from the candles to the aspergillum to the sword is a spiritual tool that will be used in the ceremonies to manifest the powers through G-d.
So when we look at other religions for example, we find out that many religions used magic/k as part of there religious believes and had no problem in it use as part of there religious belief. When we look at for example the magi of the Bible were Zoroastrian Priest who practice magic and astrology and were scholars as part of there priestly duties from healing, exorcising, battle magic, interpret the stars to aid leaders and people who needs answers. In Egypt the priest also were known to practice magic and they did the same, This goes for just about any religion from Judaism to the pagan religions in the far north. So is religion Magic. NO. But magic/k is a spiritual power use in worship and to be used to aid and help our fellow mankind.
This goes forward to the grimiores. I once read from a grimioric magician that the grimiores has nothing to do with spirituality and that we need to get rid of that spiritual nonsense. He is utter wrong because the grimoires are set up and written by very spiritual men. The men and woman who practice the magic/k from the grimoires were very Pious and spiritual people and that it was a manifestation of the religious and spiritual believes. It is religious magic at its purest. If one does a deep study of the grimoires you will find out that the ceremony to summon the spirits, no matter which type of spirit it is, it is always a religious ceremony. The prays, psalmody, confessions, names of G-d etc is the use of religious ceremony to summon the spirits. Everything that is used to summon the spirit from the candles to the aspergillum to the sword is a spiritual tool that will be used in the ceremonies to manifest the powers through G-d.
So when we look at other religions for example, we find out that many religions used magic/k as part of there religious believes and had no problem in it use as part of there religious belief. When we look at for example the magi of the Bible were Zoroastrian Priest who practice magic and astrology and were scholars as part of there priestly duties from healing, exorcising, battle magic, interpret the stars to aid leaders and people who needs answers. In Egypt the priest also were known to practice magic and they did the same, This goes for just about any religion from Judaism to the pagan religions in the far north. So is religion Magic. NO. But magic/k is a spiritual power use in worship and to be used to aid and help our fellow mankind.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Solomon King of Israel Facts, legends and myths.
King Solomon,

There is many things that are said about this great man. A very Wise King and a man of G-d and a Powerful wizard. So what we have to understand that some archaeologist believe that there was never a King of Israel name Solomon. But this article will be written as if there was a King Solomon King of Israel. Regardless of if it is true or not I believe that there was a solomon or a king modeled after him. Either way he was a great man and a solomonic magician must have some understanding of him if you are going to practice solomonic magic/k.
King Solomon Reigned as King of Israel in 970–931 BC. He was born in Jerusalem and died in Jerusalem. He was the son of King David and when his father King David Died and he succeeded his father to the throne of Israel he ask not riches and wealth but how to rule with Wisdom and kindness this passage is found in 1Kings 3:5-14 ESV
At Gibeon the lord appeared to to Solomon in a dream by night, and G-d said, Ask what I shall give you. And Solomon said, You have shown great and steadfast love to your servant David my Father, because he walked before you in faithfulness, in righteousness, and in uprightnessof heart toward you. And you have kept for him this great and steadfast love and have given him a sonto sit on his throne this day. And now, O Lord my G-d, you have made your servant king in place of David my father, although I am but a little child. I do not know how to go out or come in. And your servant is in the midst of your people whom you have chosen, a great people, too many to numbered or counter for multitude. Give your Servant therefore a understanding mind to govern your people, that I may discern between go and evil, for who is able to govern this your great people ? It pleased the Lord that Solomon had ask this. And G-d Said to him, because you have asked this, and have not asked for yourself longlife or riches or the life of your enemies, but have asked for yourselfunderstanding to discern what is right, behold, I now do accordeing to your word. Behold, I give you a wise and discerbning mind, so that none like ou has been before you and none like you shall arise after you. I give you also what you have not asked , bioth richjes and honor, so that no opther king shall compare with you, all your days. And if you will walk in my ways, keeping my statutesand my commandments, as your father David walked, then I will lengthen your Days.
As you can see this sets the stage for a powerful man that is to come. His legends is found in Islamic, Christian, Jewish stories legends and myths. He wrote the biblical books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, ,Song of Solomon, and the book of Wisdom. He also said to wrote the book called Testament of Solomon. Which the book were most Solomonic magical literature gets based around. Other works such as 1001 and on nights. Is also works that the grimoires worked from. According to literature and stories from the Testament of Solomon andJewish Literature to the 1001 nights we find that he got a magical ring from G-d. He also had a magical flying carpet and a magic staff. He was a extremely powerful wizard which interestingly come from christian literature and some Arabic works.
The main story was said that a angel came to help Solomon and the angel gave the magic ring to Solomon. Which was from G-d to help build the temple of Solomon and to use of its powers to protect the sancturary of G-d for which the temple was were the Ark of the covenant went. He used the ring using powerful summoning spells and he summoned demons to help build the temple.
As a side note it is interesting that historians mention that when the Babylonians and Romans stated when they destroyed the temples demonic sounds, dark black spirits and creatures came out of its foundation and walls.
Another interesting story about Solomon which shows his wisdom. He was confronted with two women claiming that a infant child was each theres. There each was telling him that the child was theres. So to solve the problem he siad ok I will solve the problem. Bring me my Sword he said and he told them that he will chop the infant in half and that each will have each half. He new that the real mother will give up the child and surrender the child the the other women to save the child from death. Solomon then gave the child to the mother who surrender the child to the other.
Another story of Solomon that is in the Testament of Solomon is toward the end were Solomon. One day, Solomon told Asmadeus that he could not see any greatness in the demons’ strength, if their king could be kept in bondage by a mortal man. Asmodeus told him that he could show him his strength if the king lent him his protective magic ring. The king arrogantly agreed, and as soon as the ring touched Asmodeus’ finger, the demon grew to a giant size, with one wing touching the earth and one touching the heaven. He snatched the king up and flung him away, and the king fell far away from Jerusalem. And so started King Solomon’s punishment he spends his days a on the streets begging for food living a life as a a commoner. Which was a lesson in it own right, and in the long run he become more wiser. Either way he travel around begging for food and living on the streets. It was a hard life. Since Asmodeus had the Kings magical ring he could not summon his powers, spirits, and beast. So he decided to travel back to Israel and praying that G-d will help him get back his throne and confront Asmodeus. It took him 3 years on the road begging and living off of odd job. We learn that he wrote many of his Proverbs while on his journey back to Israel. The journey was a humbling experience and he learned a lesson in life and life of his people and others. He learned wisdom and knowledge. Will one day he met the princess Naamah, daughter of the Ammonite King, was destined by G-d to be the ancestor of the Messiah, who will some day be born as a descendant of the House of David. G-d directed Solomon to the capital city of Ammon. It so happened that the cook at the royal palace needed an assistant, and somehow Solomon was at the right place at the right time and got the job. He showed talent and discipline, eventually was promoted to chief cook, and promptly met the Princess who took personal interest in running the household. He fell in love with her and she back. The King was Angry and banished them away and they traveled for a long time and finally after a long trip traveled to a port city were they used the last of his money to by a fih to eat when they opened it up and saw King Solomons Ring.
Feeling that since it is a protective ring also he thought that maybe Asmodeus may have through it in the Ocean. Solomon put the ring on his finger, and transported himself and his wife to Jerusalem. There he confronted Asmodeus and when he confronted him he saw that the demon was shapeshifted to look like the king and King Solomon used the ring and the demon had no power over the ring since it came from G-d. So could not resist. The story goes on that Solomon saw Asmodeus true form and it gave him nightmares for the rest of his life. He also made it known to the Ammonite king. This story sat the stage for the coming of the Messiah.
There is many things that are said about this great man. A very Wise King and a man of G-d and a Powerful wizard. So what we have to understand that some archaeologist believe that there was never a King of Israel name Solomon. But this article will be written as if there was a King Solomon King of Israel. Regardless of if it is true or not I believe that there was a solomon or a king modeled after him. Either way he was a great man and a solomonic magician must have some understanding of him if you are going to practice solomonic magic/k.
King Solomon Reigned as King of Israel in 970–931 BC. He was born in Jerusalem and died in Jerusalem. He was the son of King David and when his father King David Died and he succeeded his father to the throne of Israel he ask not riches and wealth but how to rule with Wisdom and kindness this passage is found in 1Kings 3:5-14 ESV
At Gibeon the lord appeared to to Solomon in a dream by night, and G-d said, Ask what I shall give you. And Solomon said, You have shown great and steadfast love to your servant David my Father, because he walked before you in faithfulness, in righteousness, and in uprightnessof heart toward you. And you have kept for him this great and steadfast love and have given him a sonto sit on his throne this day. And now, O Lord my G-d, you have made your servant king in place of David my father, although I am but a little child. I do not know how to go out or come in. And your servant is in the midst of your people whom you have chosen, a great people, too many to numbered or counter for multitude. Give your Servant therefore a understanding mind to govern your people, that I may discern between go and evil, for who is able to govern this your great people ? It pleased the Lord that Solomon had ask this. And G-d Said to him, because you have asked this, and have not asked for yourself longlife or riches or the life of your enemies, but have asked for yourselfunderstanding to discern what is right, behold, I now do accordeing to your word. Behold, I give you a wise and discerbning mind, so that none like ou has been before you and none like you shall arise after you. I give you also what you have not asked , bioth richjes and honor, so that no opther king shall compare with you, all your days. And if you will walk in my ways, keeping my statutesand my commandments, as your father David walked, then I will lengthen your Days.
As you can see this sets the stage for a powerful man that is to come. His legends is found in Islamic, Christian, Jewish stories legends and myths. He wrote the biblical books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, ,Song of Solomon, and the book of Wisdom. He also said to wrote the book called Testament of Solomon. Which the book were most Solomonic magical literature gets based around. Other works such as 1001 and on nights. Is also works that the grimoires worked from. According to literature and stories from the Testament of Solomon andJewish Literature to the 1001 nights we find that he got a magical ring from G-d. He also had a magical flying carpet and a magic staff. He was a extremely powerful wizard which interestingly come from christian literature and some Arabic works.
The main story was said that a angel came to help Solomon and the angel gave the magic ring to Solomon. Which was from G-d to help build the temple of Solomon and to use of its powers to protect the sancturary of G-d for which the temple was were the Ark of the covenant went. He used the ring using powerful summoning spells and he summoned demons to help build the temple.
As a side note it is interesting that historians mention that when the Babylonians and Romans stated when they destroyed the temples demonic sounds, dark black spirits and creatures came out of its foundation and walls.
Another interesting story about Solomon which shows his wisdom. He was confronted with two women claiming that a infant child was each theres. There each was telling him that the child was theres. So to solve the problem he siad ok I will solve the problem. Bring me my Sword he said and he told them that he will chop the infant in half and that each will have each half. He new that the real mother will give up the child and surrender the child the the other women to save the child from death. Solomon then gave the child to the mother who surrender the child to the other.
Another story of Solomon that is in the Testament of Solomon is toward the end were Solomon. One day, Solomon told Asmadeus that he could not see any greatness in the demons’ strength, if their king could be kept in bondage by a mortal man. Asmodeus told him that he could show him his strength if the king lent him his protective magic ring. The king arrogantly agreed, and as soon as the ring touched Asmodeus’ finger, the demon grew to a giant size, with one wing touching the earth and one touching the heaven. He snatched the king up and flung him away, and the king fell far away from Jerusalem. And so started King Solomon’s punishment he spends his days a on the streets begging for food living a life as a a commoner. Which was a lesson in it own right, and in the long run he become more wiser. Either way he travel around begging for food and living on the streets. It was a hard life. Since Asmodeus had the Kings magical ring he could not summon his powers, spirits, and beast. So he decided to travel back to Israel and praying that G-d will help him get back his throne and confront Asmodeus. It took him 3 years on the road begging and living off of odd job. We learn that he wrote many of his Proverbs while on his journey back to Israel. The journey was a humbling experience and he learned a lesson in life and life of his people and others. He learned wisdom and knowledge. Will one day he met the princess Naamah, daughter of the Ammonite King, was destined by G-d to be the ancestor of the Messiah, who will some day be born as a descendant of the House of David. G-d directed Solomon to the capital city of Ammon. It so happened that the cook at the royal palace needed an assistant, and somehow Solomon was at the right place at the right time and got the job. He showed talent and discipline, eventually was promoted to chief cook, and promptly met the Princess who took personal interest in running the household. He fell in love with her and she back. The King was Angry and banished them away and they traveled for a long time and finally after a long trip traveled to a port city were they used the last of his money to by a fih to eat when they opened it up and saw King Solomons Ring.
Feeling that since it is a protective ring also he thought that maybe Asmodeus may have through it in the Ocean. Solomon put the ring on his finger, and transported himself and his wife to Jerusalem. There he confronted Asmodeus and when he confronted him he saw that the demon was shapeshifted to look like the king and King Solomon used the ring and the demon had no power over the ring since it came from G-d. So could not resist. The story goes on that Solomon saw Asmodeus true form and it gave him nightmares for the rest of his life. He also made it known to the Ammonite king. This story sat the stage for the coming of the Messiah.
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