Monday, October 21, 2013

What is Solomonic Magick Part 1


The tradition called Solomonic Magick is what I have been practicing for years now. It is what I fell in love with after leaving the Golden Dawn Magical system. So what is this system to which the renaissance magi used. First It is mostly what the Grimoires were based on. There is a exception to the rule but over all 90 % of all grimoires of that time period are Solomonic. Will First we have to understand that the key griomoire to which the whole tradition comes from is The Key of Solomon. This work is said to have come from King Solomon from the bible and he upon death past it on to his son Lamech after his death. The magic that is used allows the conjuration of Demons, Angels, and several other types of spirits. This according to legend, G-d gave him this knowledge so that Solomon can build the temple of Solomon and to rule Israel with wisdom through the aid of the spirits. A close  examination will show alot of Hebrew and some Arabic influences. But this is mostly christian and is the core to all christian thurgical work. Solomonic magick is a sytem that is more pure in spitituality then even the Golden Dawn. The system was created for a Pious and spiritual minded mage who wants a system that meets there own spirituality, which was christianity. Chrsitian mages of the time was so influence by the keys that works attributed to solomon spread around europe. The Keys was incorporated into many chrsitian magical systems.
The system itself takes it roots from shamanistic systems and non hebriac systems from before the judiac faith. You can see this in some of the seal and sigils were some are close to Loas of voodoo and some other spirits, and the creation of tools by taking a small journey. The Jewish and Arabic mystics and magicans started to write there ideas and systems down, from there magical research from pagan and shamanistic roots, such as the picatrix a book on astrology and amuletic and talismantic magic. As time progress books on kaballah and magick came to europe through Spain and Constantinople through Arab and Jewish scholars. Christians mystic and wizards took to these books and started to decipher and studied them and scholars and magicians started to fully incorporated it into there systems. This system is what the grimoires were based upon amd what the Solomonic system of magic is based upon.

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