Tuesday, October 22, 2013

What is Solomonic Magick Part 2

After Reading the last article I felt I needed to expand from the priviest article. To understand Solomonic Magick you have to understand that most of these text with some exceptions were writing or copied by holy men and you have to understand the people behind it and practice this form of magick, which were Christians, Jews, Muslims and scholars. Many were scientist, magicians, sorcerers, wizards and most were actually pious men or priest. The men were deeply pious and religious. The reasoning behind it spreading  all through out Europe is that it is in it pure form is religious/spiritual magick, that fit into the christian mind set. The rituals were actually religious like rites and at its core is worship of G-d.
The Rituals no matter if the wizard conjures a spirit, create a talisman, or do some low magic is a long religious like ritual were psalms and prays are read out load with confessions to G-d and calling of his angels.  The rituals are always deeply spiritual in nature.
During the ritual there is a long proses that leads the magician to Bless. Some other writers call it one with G-d, Love of G-d, but over all you must reach Bless to allow the holy Spirit to enter. This also allows the magician to see the spirit if you are conjuring a spirit. But over all you must reach the right state of mind. To reach the right state of mind, the wizard goes through the ceremony that has a 9 day purification, which the magician has no sex, no meat and a vegetarian diet. , 2 to 3 times per day is set aside for pray and confession, psalmoldy, blessing, purification, and prays. Then a ritual cleansing bath. Then the rite itself which is in it own way a religious ritual. This should lead the wizard to a mental state of mind that is in a state of bless which is what the wizard must reach to do the magick right.
Any one who says that this system has nothing to do with spirituality and not religious magick then they may need to go through the system for themselves because it is a very spiritual system that honors and shows love for G-d. They may not understand the system and may need to go and reeducate themselves on this very beautiful system of magick.

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