Thursday, April 24, 2014


This interesting invocation is what we know as a preliminary. This is similar to the effects of the bornless ritual. This is were you invoke the energy or spirit of King Solomon. Through the use of The tree of life. This was suppose to be used as a form of invocation that will be what we know as a godform of the ancient king himself so you will have the authority of G-d through this so called godform. While yes Solomon is not a god he was a important figure in the magic of the western world and most magical grimoires was said to be by him. He was a important figure in That time period form of magic and so a invocation of the king who was said to control 72 demons and talk with the Angels and to G-d was a powerful wizard indeed. So when you use the ring of Solomon, Staff of Solomon, Wand of Solomon. you will become Solomon the wizard king who controlled demons, and talked to Angels.
Now you may ask I said that to make magic work you have to invoke the holy spirit. I did say that but I also said that you can invoke Angels to. While I believe the invocation of the holy spirit is one of the keys to Successful us of all magic. I also found that the use of this invocation just does not give me the authority of the king but also of G-d. Which in many cases works just as good.
I would like to also say that this invocation can only be found in eliphaz levis Ritual de la huate magie, and Mathers edition of the Key  of Solomon. I have not seen it any were else.

Here is the Invocation so go ahead and experiment and see if you like it.


POWERS of the Kingdom, be beneath my left foot, and within my right hand.
Glory and Eternity touch my shoulders, and guide me in the Paths of Victory.
Mercy and justice be ye the Equilibrium and splendour of my life.
Understanding and Wisdom give unto me the Crown.
Spirits of Malkuth conduct me between the two columns whereon is supported the whole edifice of the Temple.
Angels of Netzach and of Hod strengthen me upon the Cubical Stone of Yesod.
BINAHEL, be Thou my Love!
RUACH CHOKMAHEL, be Thou my Light!
Be that which Thou art, and that which thou willest to be, O KETHERIEL!
Ishim, assist me in the Name Of SHADDAL
Cherubim, be my strength in the Name of ADONAL
Beni Elohim, be ye my brethren in the Name of the Son, and by the virtues of TZABAOTH.
Elohim, fight for me in the Name of TETRAGRAMMATON.
Malachim, protect me in the Name Of YOD HE VAU HE.
Seraphim, purify my love in the Name of ELOAH.
Chaschmalim, enlighten me with the splendours of ELOHI, and of SCHECHINAH.
Aralim, act ye; Auphanim, revolve and shine.
Chaioth Ha-Qadosch, cry aloud, speak, roar, and groan; Qadosch, Qadosch, Qadosch., SHADDAI, ADONAI, YOD CHAVAH, EHEIEH ASHER EHEIEH!
Halelu-Yah! Halelu-Yah! Halelu-Yah. Amen.

The Black School

Once upon a time there existed somewhere in the world, nobody knows where, a school which was called the Black School. There the pupils learned witchcraft, Necromancy, Demonology and all sorts of ancient arts and sciences. Wherever this school was, it was somewhere below ground, and was held in a strong room which, as it had no window, was eternally dark and changeless. There was no teacher either, but everything was learnt from books with fiery letters, which could be read quite easily in the dark. Never were the pupils allowed to go out into the open air or see the daylight during the whole time they stayed there, which was from five to seven years. By then they had gained a thorough and perfect knowledge of the sciences which include the Occult sciences. A shaggy gray hand came through the wall every day with the pupils' meals, and when they had finished eating and drinking took back the horns and platters. But one of the rules of the school was, that the owner should keep for himself that one of the students who should leave the school the last every year. And, considering that it was pretty well known among the pupils that the devil himself was the master, you may fancy what a scramble there was at each year's end, everybody doing his best to avoid being last to leave the school.
It happened once that three Icelanders went to this school, by the name of Sæmundur the Learned, Kálfur Arnason, and Hálfdán Eldjárnsson; and as they all arrived at the same time, they were all supposed to leave at the same time. Sæmundur declared himself willing to be the last of them, at which the others were much lightened in mind. So he threw over himself a large mantle, leaving the sleeves loose and the fastenings free.
A staircase led from the school to the upper world, and when Sæmundur was about to mount this the devil grasped at him and said, "You are mine!"
But Sæmundur slipped out of this mantle and made off with all speed, leaving the devil the empty cloak. However, just as he left the school the heavy iron door was slammed suddenly to, and wounded Sæmundur on the heels. Then he said, "That was pretty close upon my heels," which words have since passed into a proverb. The Sæmundur contrived to escape from the Black School, with his companions, scot-free.
Some people relate, that, when Sæmundur came into the doorway, the sun shone upon him and threw his shadow onto the opposite wall. And as the devil stretched out his hand to grapple with him, Sæmundur said, "I am not the last. Do you not see who follows me?"
So the devil seized the shadow, mistaking it for a man, and Sæmundur escaped with a blow on his heels from the iron door.

This Icelandic Legend came from the time when the church was hunting down heresy and witches. What part could be true we may never know. This could be a story created to tell people or may be some truth from some secret group who practice magic, what ever the case I found this story was pretty cool. Very few things have been written about it, besides Icelandic folklore. Why did I bring this story to you the reader. Because we have to know our history and our culture. From its myths and legends to our facts and history. This story explains how magic was thought of during the time when wizards and alternative views was condemned by the church and people were burned for believes other then the church authorities.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Concerning the Experiment of Invisibility


IF thou wishest to perform the Experiment of Invisibility, thou shalt follow the instructions for the same. If it be necessary to observe the day and the hour, thou shalt do as is said in their Chapters. But if thou needest not observe the day and the hour as marked in the Chapter thereon, thou shalt do as taught in the Chapter which precedeth it. If in the course of the experiment it be necessary to write anything, it should be done as is described in the Chapters pertaining thereto, with the proper pen, paper, and ink, or blood. But if the matter is to be accomplished by invocation, before thy conjurations, thou shalt say devoutly in thine heart:--
SCEABOLES, ARBARON, ELOHI, ELIMIGITH, HERENOBULCULE, METHE, BALUTH, TIMAYAL, VILLAQUIEL, TEVENI, YEVIE, FERETE, BACUHABA, GUVARIN; through Him by Whom ye have empire and power over men, ye must accomplish this work so that I may go and remain invisible.
And if it be necessary in this operation to trace a Circle, thou shalt do as is ordained in the Chapter concerning Circles; and if it be necessary to write characters, etc., thou shalt follow the instructions given in the respective Chapters.
This operation being thus prepared, if there be an especial Conjuration to perform, thou shalt repeat it in the proper manner; if not, thou shalt say the general Conjuration, at the end of which thou shalt add the following words:--
O thou ALMIRAS, Master of Invisibility, with thy Ministers CHEROG, MAITOR, TANGEDEM, TRANSIDIM, SUVANTOS, ABELAIOS, BORED, BELAMITH, CASTUMI, DABUEL; I conjure ye by Him Who maketh Earth and Heaven to tremble, Who is seated upon the Throne of His Majesty, that this operation may be perfectly accomplished according to my will, so that at whatsoever time it may please me, I may be able to be invisible.
I conjure thee anew, O ALMIRAS, Chief of Invisibility, both thee and
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thy Ministers, by Him through Whom all things have their being, and by SATURIEL, HARCHIEL, DANIEL, BENIEL, ASSIMONEM, that thou immediately comest hither with all thy Ministers, and achievest this operation, as thou knowest it ought to be accomplished, and that by the same operation thou render me invisible, so that none may be able to see me.
In order then to accomplish this aforesaid operation, thou must prepare all things necessary with requisite care and diligence, and put them in practice with all the general and particular ceremonies laid down for these experiments; and with all the conditions contained in our first and second Books. Thou shalt also in the same operations duly repeat the appropriate Conjurations, with all the solcmnitie5 marked in the respective Chapters. Thus shalt thou accomplish the experiment surely and without hindrance, and thus shalt thou find it true.
But, on the contrary, if thou lettest any of these things escape thee, or if thou despiseth them, never shalt thou be able to arrive at thy proposed end; as, for example, we enter not easily into a fenced city over its walls but through its gates.


Make a small image of yellow wax, in the form of a man, in the month January and in the day and hour of Saturn, and at that time write with a needle above the crown of its head and upon its skull which thou shalt have adroitly raised, the character following. (Figure 5)

 After which thou shalt replace the skull in proper position. Thou shalt then write upon a small strip of the skin of a frog or toad which thou shalt have killed, the following words and characters. (Figure 6)

 Thou shalt then go and suspend the said figure by one of thy hairs from the vault of a cavern at the hour of midnight, and perfuming it with the proper incense thou shalt say:--
METATRON, MELEKH, BEROTH, NOTH, VENIBBETH, MACH, and all ye, I conjure thee, O Figure of wax, by the Living God, that by the virtue of these Characters and words, thou render me invisible, wherever I may bear thee with me. Amen.
And after having censed it anew, thou shalt bury it in the same place in a small deal box, and every time that thou wishest to pass or enter into any place without being seen, thou shalt say these words, bearing the aforesaid figure in thy left pocket:--
Come unto me and never quit me whithersoever I shall go.
Afterwards thou shalt take it carefully back unto the before-mentioned place and cover it with earth until thou shalt need it again.

Now while I have to say I will not be doing this ritual anytime soon. I do have to say that Invisibility do work in the context of the Occult.You do not turn actually invisible. I have when I did a ritual of my own making, solomonic in nature. I have noticed that  that people did not noticed me. It was almost like I was not there. By the end of the day When I said hi to a friend of mine. She was shocked and thought I called into work. I found that invisibility works a illusion of the mind. Maybe some kind of Hypnotism or the magic clouded the mind. You will not be able to rob banks, or peep on women. It just does not work that way. But it does work in the context of clouding peoples mind of not paying attention to you. I will later in some future article may give the ritual that I created. But will have to wait and see. I do encourage others to create there own rite and experiment.

Here is a good article and a very controversial topic, Written by Donald Tyson.

I read this article a long while back on a website/blog about how Tyson calls Atheism is the enemy. I thought it was a very good article and it became a topic on the website for a long time. While I do have Friends who are atheist, I do feel that Atheism is a danger to my spirituality. Why because more and more people have fallen into the cult of Atheism and became there worst enemies. They became Evangelical Atheist. While I know that some of my Friends are not like that and that we have great debate in discussion, there are others that make them look bad. It is like the People of religious groups who are on the street corners telling people to repent or go to your home and do the same or tell your wiccan Friend that they are going to hell because they are not christian. Atheism can be the same and it has.

So I will let you make your own mind and see what you think.

By the way this article is Tm by Donald Tyson and Rending the Veil. That is why I do not put it on mine but will send the link to the website of the Article.

My Apology

I would like to apologize to the readers that I did not finish two articles. I meant to put a part 7 to the conjuration of the Watcher and a part 2 to the temple of Solomon. I lost my notes and research when I moved to my New House and could not find my research notes. So it will be a while tell I put these articles up.
Thank You

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Animal Sacrifice and the Alternatives

I will not go into to much about animal sacrifice for the Grimoires. Aaron Lietch in his book  " The Secrets of the Magical Grimoires"TM goes into detail about the Grimoiric tradition of Sacrifice and blood used in said rites and consecration of tools .
So I will go into a christian alternative and reason why we have no need for sacrifice and Let me tell a little about why Christians do not practice animal sacrifice anymore.
Back in the day before Christianity, the Jewish people sacrifice lambs to G-d. It was there standard sacrifice as to what G-d demanded from his people. Sacrifice is a way to nourish the Deity. This goes for just about all the gods even the One G-d. This was pivalent during the passover and special holidays of the Jewish people of that time.
Will when Jesus finally started his ministry he came to save the Jews. But one problem he found that the Jewish people and humanity as a whole was so full of sin it was overwhelming them. He tried to show that love above all was there path to G-d. But at the end it did not work. Very few people, got the message. So as a way to save all of humanity he sacrificed himself as the lamb of G-d. As the Jewish faith used to do sacrifices to G-d with Lambs, Jesus sacrificed himself as the Lamb to save his people " Humanity" so they will be all saved from there Sins.
Now to the present, as a christian I'm really iffy on sacrifice. While I do eat a hamburger and I do understand the reasoning behind other faiths use of sacrifice. I just do not see a reason for it as a christian because of what Jesus did.  As a side note most Grimoires such as the Keys really do not go into animal sacrifice but just say the the blood of a certain animal need to be put on said tool. They never give a actual sacrificial rite. The exception is the Grand Grimoire. Either way I came up with two alternatives that I have used as a alternative to actual blood that needs to be used in the magic or tool creation.
The first one is known in Hoodoo as Diabolical Wine. It is a alternative to human blood and I have used it in many rites with very good reactions to the rituals.

Here is how it is made:
Diabolic Wine I like to call it Wizard Wine:
Take a very Dark Red wine and add in 1 part ( 1 Pinch ) blood root. Mix the root well in the red wine and leave it over night covered in red cloth. The next day you take your wand, or Hand cross, or your hand with the palms down and over the container say the following incantation.

You are not wine But Blood
Living Blood, Scarlet Blood
Living Scarlet Blood of mine

Store in a refrigerator unit and use when you want. Do not drink.

The other Idea that I used was using blessed wine that was bless from a priest or minister. Especially if it was meant to be used in Communion. I was trying to find a substitute when this pop in my mind. I decided to ask Aaron in his forum on his Yahoo site. Will He said that this is a very good Idea and so after waiting and getting it blessed. LOL I was waiting for good time to ask my pastor to bless it. Either way she blessed it and I used it on all my basic grimoiric tools and it work extremely will.

I believe that these can be a great tool for the grimoiric mage who may be a vegetarian and may not want to hurt a animal or want to use other alternatives then blood. What ever the case these maybe to your liking and may help the mage in his research in the Grimoires.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Temple of Solomon Part 1

When I started my studies on Solomonic Magic/k, It lead me to several doors I decided to open and see what was behind them. One of these doors is a deep study of the Temple of Solomon.  in the Bible 1 Kings 6, New International version.
In the four hundred and eightieth[a] year after the Israelites came out of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon’s reign over Israel, in the month of Ziv, the second month, he began to build the temple of the Lord.
The temple that King Solomon built for the Lord was sixty cubits long, twenty wide and thirty high.[b] The portico at the front of the main hall of the temple extended the width of the temple, that is twenty cubits,[c] and projected ten cubits[d] from the front of the temple. He made narrow windows high up in the temple walls. Against the walls of the main hall and inner sanctuary he built a structure around the building, in which there were side rooms. The lowest floor was five cubits[e] wide, the middle floor six cubits[f] and the third floor seven.[g] He made offset ledges around the outside of the temple so that nothing would be inserted into the temple walls.
In building the temple, only blocks dressed at the quarry were used, and no hammer, chisel or any other iron tool was heard at the temple site while it was being built.
The entrance to the lowest[h] floor was on the south side of the temple; a stairway led up to the middle level and from there to the third. So he built the temple and completed it, roofing it with beams and cedar planks. 10 And he built the side rooms all along the temple. The height of each was five cubits, and they were attached to the temple by beams of cedar.
11 The word of the Lord came to Solomon: 12 “As for this temple you are building, if you follow my decrees, observe my laws and keep all my commands and obey them, I will fulfill through you the promise I gave to David your father. 13 And I will live among the Israelites and will not abandon my people Israel.”
14 So Solomon built the temple and completed it. 15 He lined its interior walls with cedar boards, paneling them from the floor of the temple to the ceiling, and covered the floor of the temple with planks of juniper. 16 He partitioned off twenty cubits at the rear of the temple with cedar boards from floor to ceiling to form within the temple an inner sanctuary, the Most Holy Place. 17 The main hall in front of this room was forty cubits[i] long. 18 The inside of the temple was cedar, carved with gourds and open flowers. Everything was cedar; no stone was to be seen.
19 He prepared the inner sanctuary within the temple to set the ark of the covenant of the Lord there. 20 The inner sanctuary was twenty cubits long, twenty wide and twenty high. He overlaid the inside with pure gold, and he also overlaid the altar of cedar. 21 Solomon covered the inside of the temple with pure gold, and he extended gold chains across the front of the inner sanctuary, which was overlaid with gold. 22 So he overlaid the whole interior with gold. He also overlaid with gold the altar that belonged to the inner sanctuary.
23 For the inner sanctuary he made a pair of cherubim out of olive wood, each ten cubits high. 24 One wing of the first cherub was five cubits long, and the other wing five cubits—ten cubits from wing tip to wing tip. 25 The second cherub also measured ten cubits, for the two cherubim were identical in size and shape. 26 The height of each cherub was ten cubits. 27 He placed the cherubim inside the innermost room of the temple, with their wings spread out. The wing of one cherub touched one wall, while the wing of the other touched the other wall, and their wings touched each other in the middle of the room. 28 He overlaid the cherubim with gold.
29 On the walls all around the temple, in both the inner and outer rooms, he carved cherubim, palm trees and open flowers. 30 He also covered the floors of both the inner and outer rooms of the temple with gold.
31 For the entrance to the inner sanctuary he made doors out of olive wood that were one fifth of the width of the sanctuary. 32 And on the two olive-wood doors he carved cherubim, palm trees and open flowers, and overlaid the cherubim and palm trees with hammered gold. 33 In the same way, for the entrance to the main hall he made doorframes out of olive wood that were one fourth of the width of the hall. 34 He also made two doors out of juniper wood, each having two leaves that turned in sockets. 35 He carved cherubim, palm trees and open flowers on them and overlaid them with gold hammered evenly over the carvings.
36 And he built the inner courtyard of three courses of dressed stone and one course of trimmed cedar beams.
37 The foundation of the temple of the Lord was laid in the fourth year, in the month of Ziv. 38 In the eleventh year in the month of Bul, the eighth month, the temple was finished in all its details according to its specifications. He had spent seven years building it.

What I found out that the temple follows a embodiment of Architecture of other cultures in the reason such as Egyptian, Phoenician and Mesopotamian. Its general form is reminiscent of Egyptian sanctuaries and closely matches that of other ancient temples in the region, however the complexity of inner chambers and unique functions does distinguish the temple strongly.
It follows a sacred geometrical design that was said that will house the Ark of the Covenant so house G-d.
What made me wonder about that whole thing is that is the Temple associated with the Key Of Solomon and what secrets is held in it design. When I was looking into this I found that My favorite Scientist did actually study this very concept. This man was Isaac Newton. He studied the Bible even learn Hebrew and Aramaic to learn more on the bible especially the passages that talked about the temple. He even had a a full scale model of the temple of Solomon for his studies of the temple. What he wanted to know is what secrets was held in the temple. Did it hold secrets of the universe or held the creation of the Philosophers stone. This is what I wanted to know in a Mad scientist type of way. If the temple Held some sort of secret what are or is it secret. Is it the nature of G-d ? A ultimate secret of the Universe ? A alchemical construct using Sacred Geometry ?
What ever the Secrets if any I have not found them nor have found that the Key of Solomon has Ties to the temple of Solomon. Besides by name and the man who made them both. I will go on further on my next blog entree.