Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Bringing in the Faith

Faith is one of those things that people have been getting misunderstood and not knowing what it is. This goes for the spiritually minded person to the wizard. Faith nowadays is blind faith which the person gets answers from there church leaders, They tend to find there so called answers from a pastor or a minister instead of going to G-d and looking for there answers for themselves. There is nothing wrong if the church leader can help but blindly following what a leader says can lead to cultish activity and personal pain. True faith is not the belief in G-d but the Knowing that there is a G-d. Knowing this is very important to know because this will lead to making your magic work every single time then  getting hit and misses.
The First thing we have to remember that it takes just not a person to say a bunch of words to make a spirit to appear. I can dance around say some words and wave some wand in the air tell I turn blue in the face and nothing will happened. There is somethings that one follows no matter what tradition he or she follows. Theses important features in magic\k are important to make a spirit to appear. I will make a short discussion about one feature of how to make the magical operations work. At least to how it works for me, and later the others features will be discussed in future blog articles.
The important feature I will talk about is faith. One of the Important things to have to allow the holy spirit to enter the Wizard is his\her faith. There is two ways to conjure a spirits by Force of will which is allot of magicians today do. And cause the hit and miss affect. Which is Taking a magic mirror summon the spirit and try to force the spirit by force of will by manipulating the magical energy to bring forth the spirit.
The Second way is by bring in (Invoke) the holy spirit or angel by having faith in G-d. This is very important because it is G-d that summons the spirit through you then the spirit will appear each and every time. This is the difference between people who use the magic mirror and ones that are actually able to summon the spirit to materialise in the triangle of the art.This will also enhance to viewing of spirits if you decide to summon into scrying bowls, crystal balls, mirrors, etc.
Will how does one do this will lets looks at what the wizard have to do to summon the spirit. It starts first through Nine days of Prays and fasting to allow the Body to be Purify which allows the holy ghost to be invoke in the wizards body for the condition of the ritual. By the end of the Fasting you have made the Body into a temple to house the Holy Spirit or any divine being that will be invoked into the body of the magician and when the ritual starts you will see a vast improvement to the rite then you have before.
What I have discussed is just a short discussion I'm limited to what I can write here but I will later bring up more on faith in other articles in my blog.

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