Saturday, April 19, 2014

Animal Sacrifice and the Alternatives

I will not go into to much about animal sacrifice for the Grimoires. Aaron Lietch in his book  " The Secrets of the Magical Grimoires"TM goes into detail about the Grimoiric tradition of Sacrifice and blood used in said rites and consecration of tools .
So I will go into a christian alternative and reason why we have no need for sacrifice and Let me tell a little about why Christians do not practice animal sacrifice anymore.
Back in the day before Christianity, the Jewish people sacrifice lambs to G-d. It was there standard sacrifice as to what G-d demanded from his people. Sacrifice is a way to nourish the Deity. This goes for just about all the gods even the One G-d. This was pivalent during the passover and special holidays of the Jewish people of that time.
Will when Jesus finally started his ministry he came to save the Jews. But one problem he found that the Jewish people and humanity as a whole was so full of sin it was overwhelming them. He tried to show that love above all was there path to G-d. But at the end it did not work. Very few people, got the message. So as a way to save all of humanity he sacrificed himself as the lamb of G-d. As the Jewish faith used to do sacrifices to G-d with Lambs, Jesus sacrificed himself as the Lamb to save his people " Humanity" so they will be all saved from there Sins.
Now to the present, as a christian I'm really iffy on sacrifice. While I do eat a hamburger and I do understand the reasoning behind other faiths use of sacrifice. I just do not see a reason for it as a christian because of what Jesus did.  As a side note most Grimoires such as the Keys really do not go into animal sacrifice but just say the the blood of a certain animal need to be put on said tool. They never give a actual sacrificial rite. The exception is the Grand Grimoire. Either way I came up with two alternatives that I have used as a alternative to actual blood that needs to be used in the magic or tool creation.
The first one is known in Hoodoo as Diabolical Wine. It is a alternative to human blood and I have used it in many rites with very good reactions to the rituals.

Here is how it is made:
Diabolic Wine I like to call it Wizard Wine:
Take a very Dark Red wine and add in 1 part ( 1 Pinch ) blood root. Mix the root well in the red wine and leave it over night covered in red cloth. The next day you take your wand, or Hand cross, or your hand with the palms down and over the container say the following incantation.

You are not wine But Blood
Living Blood, Scarlet Blood
Living Scarlet Blood of mine

Store in a refrigerator unit and use when you want. Do not drink.

The other Idea that I used was using blessed wine that was bless from a priest or minister. Especially if it was meant to be used in Communion. I was trying to find a substitute when this pop in my mind. I decided to ask Aaron in his forum on his Yahoo site. Will He said that this is a very good Idea and so after waiting and getting it blessed. LOL I was waiting for good time to ask my pastor to bless it. Either way she blessed it and I used it on all my basic grimoiric tools and it work extremely will.

I believe that these can be a great tool for the grimoiric mage who may be a vegetarian and may not want to hurt a animal or want to use other alternatives then blood. What ever the case these maybe to your liking and may help the mage in his research in the Grimoires.

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